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How to stop throwing out food & save money

When we think about supermarkets and farmers' market, we immediately think about what to take home. Maybe the broccoli that looks really nice or the bananas that look just right! But then, we get home and see the fruit basket on the corner of the table and some bananas inside, already brown. We open the fridge, and yellowed cabbage leaves stare at us, wondering when they will be used.

I'm not saying this has ever happened to you. Maybe yes maybe no. With me, unfortunately already. And for a much longer time than I would like. We realize, in fact, how much food spoils in the fridge when it's time to clean everything up. Or, at a later stage, when we realize we are wasting money for nothing.

Thinking about the problem more globally, if a place in the world were designated to receive all the food wasted from the population, this territory would be the 3rd largest in the world, behind only the USA and China! It's shocking, don't you think?

But calm down, this article is to help you change the game! What can we do to end this?

Most wasted food in the world - and how to reverse it at home!

#5 position

Salads. Green leaves in general are included here, from cabbage, lettuce, arugula, watercress, spinach, chicory, etc.

There is an estimate that 79 thousand tons of food that ends up in the garbage per year, in the world, would still be suitable for us to consume.

#4 position

Food scraps. Here's something interesting: nobody confirms that throw food away, but if nobody wastes it, how do the dumps receive food on a daily basis?

The answer may be "leftovers". Broccoli stems, parsley stems, cauliflower leaves, carrot leaves, bell pepper top. They are all parts that can be used in recipes just like the other parts of the food, and still have numerous nutrients that the rest of the vegetable does not have.

An example is the carrot with its leaves: the green parts have vitamins and fiber that we don't find in the carrot itself. When we are able to eat the food in its entirety, our body wins and our environment wins too!

#3 position

Meals. 420,000 tons of ready-to-eat meals are thrown away a year around the world. From canned foods that have expired, pre-prepared foods, but also meals like pasta, rice, beans are thrown away every day.

#2 position

Bread. On a global scale, food waste is like going to the market and buying 3 bags of food. It's as if 1 of these bags went straight to the trash.

Bread has a shorter shelf life, depending on how it is stored at home and how much of it is actually consumed by residents. No wonder it takes the second position.

#1 position

And first place, the champion in food waste is….. potatoes! I confess that all the foods in the ranking make me thoughtful, but the potato as number 1 gets even more complicated.

That's because potatoes are a long-lasting food, very versatile and much loved in the world. But even so it occupies the first place!

The problem seems to be here: because it's so affordable and cheap, we don't give the potatoes the value they deserve.

But let's reverse this game, at least in our house! Check here how:

Start with conscious purchase.

  • Make a grocery list with the foods to be purchased. If it helps, also check the ones that are already in the fridge and that need to be consumed first, so we avoid buying the same food twice.

  • Wait for the fridge to be almost empty before going to the market again. That way, we use everything that is there, test new recipes and use our creativity! I'm sure the family will be surprised by the new recipes!

  • Go to the supermarket or farmers' market on a quieter day, such as a weekend. Many leave their trip to the market at 6:30 pm on a Friday, when the market is full and fatigue takes over their bodies. When we go to the market more rested, we make better choices.

  • Eat before heading out for the week's shopping! That way those compulsive shopping won't happen so often!

  • Fresh foods such as those from the horticultural session do not have a high durability. Think about it when buying a larger quantity than what is normally consumed. In this case, the ideal is to buy the quantity for the week and return the following week, getting fresher products.

  • Plan meals for the week. If it works for you to leave meals ready on Sunday, great! But if you're like me, I like to keep in mind what to do and leave key foods ready. (We'll talk more about this later!).

Have fun next time shopping for food and buy with awareness! Tell me what ideas are you going to put into practice!

With love, Claudia

Olá e seja bem-vindo!
Eu sou a Claudia e a nossa missão por aqui é facilitar a sua vida através de receitas deliciosas, fáceis e extremamente nutritivas! 
Além disso, compartilhamos nosso amor pela horta, por comer bem e nosso caminho para uma vida mais completa e feliz.
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